
Apply to the BA in Public Policy

The Bachelor of Arts in Public Policy is an upper-level degree program. Students will enroll in the Public Policy major after completing a minimum of 55 credits at the University of Pittsburgh or another accredited undergraduate institution, typically beginning their major coursework in the third year of college. Find more details on how to apply and enroll in the program below.   

How to Apply

Current Pitt Students (any campus)

Complete the Upper-Level Transfer Application. The priority deadline is March 1 for the Fall term and October 1 for the Spring term. Applications submitted after the priority deadline will be considered on a rolling basis based on the strength of the application and any available space in the program. 

We recommend applying during the term you will complete the prerequisite 55 credits. For instance, a student applying for Fall would complete the application during the Spring term of their second year.

In the Upper Level Transfer Application, students should submit a 300-400 word personal statement introducing themselves to the admissions committee. Please share your professional goals and motivation for pursuing Public Policy degree from Pitt Public & International Affairs, as well as any experience or unique skills that you will be bringing to this program.

External Transfer Students

Please complete the Undergraduate Application for Admissions through Pitt’s Office of Admissions and Financial Aid. We do not require a supplemental application.

High School Students 

Submit an application to the University of Pittsburgh through Pitt’s Office of Admissions and Financial Aid. On that application, select “Pre-Public and International Affairs” or “Pre-Public Policy” as your intended major. 

​​​​*Note: You will begin as a student in Pitt’s Dietrich School of Arts & Sciences. In the Spring term of your second year, complete the Upper Level Transfer Application to officially declare a major in public policy.

If you would like to pursue one of our undergraduate minors or the certificate program, please email

Bachelor's Qualifications 

For admission to the BA in Public Policy, an applicant must complete 55 transferable credits from the University of Pittsburgh or other accredited undergraduate institution with a minimum 2.5 GPA. General education requirements categories for current Pitt students are:

Writing / Communication
(9 credits total)

  • ENGCMP 0200: Freshman Writing Seminar (3 credits)
  • Two additional intensive writing courses (6 credits)
    One may be satisfied by PIA 0601: Ideas to Impact: Persuasive Communication for Public Policy

Algebra / Quantitative & Formal Reasoning
(up to 6 credits) 

  • Algebra (3 credits)
    Exceptions for a Math SAT score of 620 or higher, a Math ACT score of 27 or higher, or completion of a high school Algebra II, Pre-Calculus, or Calculus course with a grade of B or higher
  • Quantitative & Formal Reasoning (3 credits)
    May be satisfied by STAT 0200, STAT 1000, or STAT 1100

(up to 6 credits total)

  • Second language (6 credits)
    Exemption with 3 years of the same language in high school with a B or higher each year

(3 credits total)   

  • Diversity (3 credits)
    May be satisfied by PIA 1102: City of White Supremacy: Race, Space & Policy in American Cities

Humanities & Arts / Social Sciences / Natural Sciences
(27 credits total)

  • Literature (3 credits)
  • Arts (3 credits)
  • Creative Work (3 credits)
  • Philosophical Thinking or Ethics (3 credits)
    May be satisfied by PIA 0602: Ethics & Equity in Public Policy
  • Social Science (3 credits)
    May be satisfied by the ECON 0100 pre-requisite or another breadth requirement
  • Historical Analysis (3 credits)
  • Natural Sciences (9 credits)
    We recommend public policy students take courses in geology, psychology, neuroscience or biology as potentially useful background for important public policy issues.

Global Awareness & Cultural Understanding
(9 credits total)

  • Global Issues (3 credits)
    May be satisfied by PIA 0102: Global Challenges, Global Solutions: Introduction to Global Policy
  • Geographic Region Specific (3 credits)
  • Cross Cultural Analysis (3 credits)

For current Pitt students, we strongly recommended that you take STAT 1200 or STAT 1000 or STAT 1100, as well as ECON 0100. Ideally, pre-public policy students will have also taken foundational courses PIA 0101 and PIA 0102 during your first and second year. For external transfers, we also recommend that you have taken the equivalent to these courses at your home institution. However, if you have not, you can still apply and take these courses while you are in the program. Use Pitt’s transfer tool to learn more about equivalent coursework. 

We perform a holistic review of all applicants, if you are concerned that you are unable to meet the requirements but highly interested in the program, please contact our admissions team to discuss your options.

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